Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Animal Sacrifices in Vedas

The core of Hinduism is in the Vedas (Samhita, Bhramanas, Aranyakas and Vedantas). These are also one of the most criticized books of Hinduism due to the mention of animal sacrifices. But do they really suggest the people to perform this? I have two theories about this: 

1. Vedic knowledge was entirely based on symbolism. That's why it is always said that the Vedas are the most complex scriptures in Hindu philosophy and that one should try to learn Vedas only under the guidance of a qualified Guru. Over time people started misinterpreting the concepts in the Vedas by taking the literal meaning out of the verses. Thus animal sacrifices came into existence.

2. If you take it in literal sense then Vedas do really talk about animal sacrifices to please Demigods like Indra, Agni, etc who will shower material wealth and help a person reach heaven(Swarga) after death. But they also say that heaven is not the ultimate place (I will come to it later). As for the sacrificed animals, it is said in the Vedas that they will take birth in the Human form during the next reincarnation. 

Human form is given the highest importance in all the Hindu scriptures, as only in this form one gets free will and can perform good deeds(karma). Vedas say that the aim of a human must be to achieve Moksha or liberation from the cycle of life and death. Even in the Bhagvata Geeta, which is sometimes called the summary of Vedas, it is said that one should always strive for Moksha. They say that one must try to perceive the truth i.e. God is in everyone and everything and only do good deeds or karma. 

Human beings have free will. So it is up to us to choose what we want - The temporary pleasures of heaven or the ultimate goal of Moksha?. In other words, the choice is left to us, the humans. 

Either ways Vedas do not promote animal sacrifices. It's the misguided Brahmins who promote it for personal gains by alluring normal people with the promises of material gains.

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